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Hamilton Township Youth Athletics

Hamilton Township Youth Athletics

Code of Conduct

The ethics and sportsmanship of all players, coaches, parents and spectators of youth sports programs play an important role in promoting the physical, social, and emotional development of children. Therefore, it is essential for parents, coaches, spectators, and officials to encourage youth athletes to embrace the values of good sportsmanship. Furthermore, parents, coaches, spectators, and officials involved in youth sports events should be models of good sportsmanship and should lead by example by demonstrating fairness, respect, and self-control.

Hamilton Township Youth Athletics (HTYA) has developed a youth sports Code of Conduct. We ask that you pledge to be responsible for your words and actions while attending, coaching, officiating, or participating in all youth sports events and shall conform your behavior to the following code of conduct:

•      I will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct with any coach, parent, player, participant, official, or any other attendee.

•      I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to engage in unsportsmanlike conduct with any coach, parent, player, participant, official, or any other attendee.

•      I will not engage in any behavior which would endanger the health, safety, or well-being of any coach, parent, player, participant, official, or any other attendee.

•      I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to engage in any behavior which would endanger the health, safety, or well-being of any coach, parent, player, participant, official, or any other attendee.

•      I will not use drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products while at a youth sports event and will not attend, coach, officiate, or participate in a youth sports event while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

•      I will not permit my child, or encourage any other person, to use drugs, alcohol or tobacco products at a youth sports event and will not permit my child, or encourage any other person, to attend, coach, officiate, or participate in a youth sports event while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

•      I will not engage in the use of profanity or any other offensive language.

*      I 
will not encourage my child, or any other person, to engage in the use of profanity or any other offensive language.

•      I will, and will encourage my child, to treat any coach, parent, player, participant, official, or any other attendee with respect.

•      I will not engage in verbal or physical threats or abuse aimed at any coach, parent, player, participant, official, or any other attendee.

•      I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to engage in verbal or physical threats or abuse aimed at any coach, parent, player, participant, official, or any other attendee.

•      I will not initiate a fight or scuffle, or retaliate, with any coach, parent, player, participant, official, or any other attendee.

•      I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to initiate a fight or scuffle, or retaliate, with any coach, parent, player, participant, official, or any other attendee.


Anyone who fails to conform their conduct to the preceding code of conduct while attending, coaching, officiating, or participating in a youth sports event will be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to the following in any order or combination:

1.      Verbal warning issued by HTYA.

2.      Written warning issued by HTYA

3.      Suspension** or immediate ejection** from a youth sports event issued by HTYA or by someone who is authorized to issue such suspension or ejection by HTYA.

4.      Suspension** from multiple youth sports events by HTYA or by the appropriate official authorized to issue such suspension by HTYA.

5.      Season suspension** or multiple season suspension issued by HTYA.


Note: A suspension within one season may be carried over to another season. The most severe consequence may occur after the 1st infraction and shall be in the unrestricted discretion of the responsible official.

**Any suspension or removal by an authorized official or board member will result in a $100 fine for removed individual to return to any future HTYA event.


Covid19 Responsible Restart for youth sports Standard Operating Procedures

Covid-19 Responsible Resta
rt for youth sports – Standard Operating Procedures

Players, Coaches, and Officials

-       Players, coaches, and officials must conduct daily symptom assessments. Anyone experiencing symptoms MUST stay home.

* If found to be Covid-19 positive, must self-Quarantine for required timeframe set forth by Ohio Health Department.

-       Coaches MUST always wear face coverings and players should wear face coverings when not on the field.

* While players are on sideline, they MUST wear facemask and practice social distancing.

-       Players, coaches, and officials are not to physically contact each other before or after practice, pregame and competitive play (i.e., greetings, team huddles, high-fives, congregating, etc.).

-       No congregating before or after practices or games by players, coaches, or officials is permitted.

-       Coaches must have a parent/volunteer help monitor/ensure social distancing on teams of young children.

-       Officials will check-in with concession and board member to get temperature taken before officiating games.

-       After game sportsmanship high fives are prohibited. Players can stand across from each other waiving stating “Good Game”.

-       Players must have personal items separated and may not be shared. All players must bring their own water bottle.

- Spectators MUST conduct daily symptom assessment. Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home.
- Spectators MUST wear face coverings at all times except for any of the allowable exceptions stated in the Director’s Order for Facial Coverings through out the State of Ohio.
- Six-feet social distance must be maintained between individuals except when necessary on the field unless seated with household family members.
*Family members must sit together, socially distanced from other individuals/family groups.
- No congregating before or after practices or games is permitted.
- Players, spectators and family should arrive no more then 10 min before a practice or game and must immediately depart after every event to avoid congregating.
- Spectators from a single family are encouraged to minimally attend as best as possible to keep the sidelines form being overcrowded.

- Six-feet social distance must be maintained between individuals except when necessary on the field unless seated with household family members.
*Family members must sit together, socially distanced from other individuals/family groups.
- Limit time spent on activities where players are in close proximity for extended periods of time (e.g., repeatedly practicing corner or penalty kicks).
- No congregating before or after practices or games is permitted.
- Officials will check-in with concession and board member to get temperature taken before officiating games.
- Time will be allotted between practices, and games to allow teams and spectators to exit fields/facilities prior to new teams and spectators arriving and for proper sanitizing for shared spaces and high-touch surfaces (benches, equipment, etc.).

Fields and Facilities
- Only HTYA board members or approved volunteers are allowed in the storage room and food service area.
- Concession stand will serve only prepackaged food and drinks.
*The food service area will be wiped down and cleaned before and after every designated opening.
- Concession workers will always wear disposable gloves and personal mask.
- One person or family group of no more than 3 individuals will be served by concession at one time.
- All individuals must maintain proper social distancing of six feet while waiting for food or to speak to a HYA board member at the concession stand. 
- Waiting on the concession stand steps is prohibited.
- A spectator pathway that allows for physical distancing as spectators move from parking, purchasing and to their seats will be established by bright orange cones.
- Hand Sanitizer, cleaning supplies and first aid will be readily available at the concession stand with consent from a board member.

Suspected and Confirmed Cases
- Immediately isolate, and seek medical care for, any individual who becomes ill or develops symptoms.
- Notify coach and HTYA.
- The affected person should seek COVID-19 testing as soon as possible.
- Coaches/board members will work with the local health department to identify individuals who were potentially exposed to help facilitate contact tracing. This includes, but is not limited to, athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, parents and other support personnel.
- If a player is found to be positive, the coach and/or board member will contact team to notify guardians of potential exposure and suggest testing.

Proper Order of Events for HTYA Youth Sports

1. HTYA board arrives 30 minutes before scheduled event to ensure all surface areas and equipment are sanitized and cleaned. Board members will take a            temperature check with contactless thermometers.
a. If a temperature of 100 degrees is recorded a second test will be taken in 5 minutes. If still reporting a 100 degrees, individual will immediately depart area and self-quarantine.
2. Players, Spectators and family will conduct a COVID-19 self-assessment 10-15 minutes before arriving for HTYA events.
3. Players, Spectators and family will arrive no more than 10 minutes before practice, games or tournaments.
4. Players will place personal belongings and equipment properly distanced from others on their respective sideline.
5. Coaches will ensure all players are fit to participate in HTYA events.
6. Spectators will properly distance themselves to ensure adherence with HTYA SOP and Ohio Health Guidelines.
7. Official will receive sterilized equipment and record a safe temperature check. 
8. Officials will conduct a safe contact free, and properly distanced pre-game check and competition start.
9. Immediately following the conclusion of a match or practice, all individuals will depart the HTYA sports area with all their personal belongings and trash personally disposed of.
10. HTYA will collect all official equipment and sanitize with proper cleaning material. 
11. HTYA will wipe down all surface areas used by HTYA.



Code of Conduct
Concussion Policy
Concussion - Removal from Play Form
Concussion - Return to Play Form
Concussion - What Parents Need to Know
Weather Policy


Registration Form (All Programs)
Coach/Volunteer Registration Form (All Programs)
Referee/Umpire Application (All Programs)
"Play Up" Waiver


Sponsorship Brochure

HTYA is a current and valid 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in accordance with the standards and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)


Hamilton Township Youth Athletics
1098 Saxony Road 
Columbus, Ohio 43207

Email: [email protected]

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