Basketball is a recreational league designed to teach players the fundamentals of basketball while having fun. Every player will have a chance to play every position throughout the season. Basketball is a game that can last a lifetime providing years of fun and fitness.
Cheerleading is a youth league designed to teach players the fundamentals of cheerleading while having fun.
We are always looking for parents/adult volunteers to get involved in our programs, if you are interested in coaching or volunteering please let us know!
Players will be placed into their respective divisions based on grade they are currently in.
Basketball will have a Boys and a Girls division for all except our PK-K division.
(PK-K Coed)
Must be in PK-K and or out of diapers
(1st-2nd Grade)
(3rd-4th grade)
(5th-6th grade)
* Age groups are subject to be combined, split or changed based on the number of participants.
Please note: All players must be potty-trained and no longer in diapers or pull-ups.
Coaching Opportunities
We are always looking for volunteers to help coach our recreational teams. We hope you will consider helping our HTYA Recreational Basketball Program by coaching or volunteering. If interested, please register as a coach through your online account or send an email to [email protected].
When and Where are Games?
Minis will play at one of the Hamilton Local Schools. Game schedule is TBD.
All games will be played with Teays Valley at Hamilton Local schools or Teays Valley Local schools. Games with be Sundays no earlier than noon.
When and Where are Practices?
Practices will be held at one of the Hamilton Local Schools based off of gym availability.
Game Cancellations
Registration Fees
$100 Season Price
How do I Register?
If you already have an account with us, please click on log-in in the upper right-hand corner. If you do not have a household account, please click on register. This will enable you to create a household account and you will then be able to receive emails from HTYA about upcoming registration and other important events. Payment is due at the time of registration (if mailing a check - is due within one week) or your child will be placed on a waiting list until we receive payment.
There are no refunds for any reason. All Fees paid are final. Please be sure to review the code of conduct during registration.
Will be provided when available.
When and Where are Practices?
Practice times are determined by each team's head coach. Practices will start the week of March 14th. All practices are held at the Hamilton Township Park. Prior to the start of games, teams will practice two times per week for 45-60 minutes, with longer practices for older teams. Once games begin, teams can practice no more than once per week.